Security Assessors: Qualifications And Benefits

What Qualifications And Certifications Should I Look For In A Security Assessor?

Selecting the right security assessor is critical to ensure a thorough and accurate evaluation of your security needs. When seeking a security assessor, I highly recommend you consider the following qualifications of a security assessor in Massachusetts.

  • Relevant Industry Experience

Look for assessors who possess significant industry-specific experience. If your organization is a hospital, for example, seek an assessor who has worked in a healthcare security role. Prior experience in your specific industry equips the assessor with a deep understanding of the unique security challenges you may face.

  • Length Of Service

Assessors with a long track record in a security-related role can offer valuable insights. People with a track record of 10, 15, or 20 years, especially in senior security positions, bring substantial knowledge and experience with them.

  • Reputation

Consider assessors who are well-regarded within their field. A retired security director with experience in a major hospital in a major city, for instance, may be highly respected for their knowledge and insights.

What Is The Typical Timeframe And Cost Associated With A Security Assessment?

The timeframe and cost of a security assessment can vary significantly and depend on several factors, making it challenging to provide definitive guidance on this matter. Here are key considerations that influence the duration and expense of a security assessment:

  • Project Scope

The first step in assessing the timeframe and cost is defining the project's scope. This involves having a meeting with the organization's management to understand their specific concerns. For instance, in the case of a hospital, they might express concerns related to their parking lot security. The scope of the assessment depends on the size and complexity of the facility and the areas to be evaluated.

  • Facility Size And Complexity

The size and complexity of the facility play a significant role in determining the assessment's duration and cost. Larger facilities or those with multiple buildings, floors, and security zones require more time and effort to assess thoroughly. The assessor needs to examine every area, from the ground floor to the ceiling, making the assessment more involved.

  • Tailored Solutions

The solutions recommended in the assessment should be tailored to the organization's unique needs and vulnerabilities. The more customized and in-depth the recommendations, the more time and expertise required to develop them.

  • Billing Structure

The cost associated with a security assessment can be billed on an hourly basis or as a flat fee. The chosen billing structure can significantly impact the overall cost. Hourly billing may result in higher costs for extended assessments, while flat fees offer a sense of predictability in the outcome of the cost.

  • Complexity Of Security Issues

The complexity of the security issues identified during the assessment also affects the cost and timeframe. Addressing intricate security challenges may require more extensive research, analysis, and recommendations.

Are There Ongoing Maintenance And Follow-Up Services That Security Assessors Typically Offer After Their Initial Assessment?

While it's not the standard practice for security assessors to provide ongoing maintenance services, they often offer valuable follow-up support. In some cases, organizations may include terms in their contracts with security assessors for periodic follow-up assessments, stipulating the assessor return after a specific period, like six months or a year, to reevaluate things. However, such arrangements are relatively rare.

Security assessors may choose to follow up voluntarily with clients they have worked with, especially if they have developed a positive rapport and see opportunities for improvement. This follow-up can serve as an informal check-in to ensure that the recommendations have been implemented effectively.

What Are The Potential Long-Term Benefits Of Investing In A Security Assessment?

Investing in a security assessment can yield substantial long-term benefits, although the extent of these benefits depends on the condition of the facility and the willingness of the company’s leadership to properly address security vulnerabilities.

One of the most significant long-term benefits is the mitigation of legal risks. In cases where security vulnerabilities lead to incidents, property owners can face costly litigation. Addressing these vulnerabilities proactively through assessments reduces the likelihood of legal action and its associated expenses.

A well-maintained property not only improves security but also enhances its overall image. For facilities plagued by disarray or security lapses, a security assessment can uncover opportunities for improvement, ultimately transforming the property's appearance.

Additionally, property insurance premiums can increase following legal actions. A security assessment's findings and the subsequent implementation of recommended security measures can lead to more favorable insurance rates, translating to long-term cost savings.

Furthermore, tenants and occupants of properties with a strong security infrastructure are likely to have more confidence in their safety. This trust can lead to higher tenant retention rates, lower turnover costs, and enhanced property value.

An experience earlier in my career serves as a great example of this. I once handled a litigation case that involved an individual I'll keep anonymous for privacy reasons. This individual, a union member and owner of multiple properties, found himself in a complex situation when a woman was assaulted in one of his buildings.

While I was working at a different location, I received word from the front desk that the same person I had testified against in court was there to see me. I half-jokingly thought, "Is he here to break my legs?"

However, the reality was quite different – he went on to explain to me that he had concerns about five of his properties and agreed with the testimony I had provided in court. He wanted me to assess his other properties for security vulnerabilities and necessary improvements. What I knew from the litigation case was that his son was managing the properties, and things weren’t going well.

I didn't mince words and told him that one of his significant problems lay with his son, who didn't seem to have his father's best interests at heart or those of the apartment complexes he was responsible for. I conducted assessments on all five properties and compiled a detailed report.

While it's hard to say if his son's performance improved in the long term, I believe his primary motivation was to avoid further legal troubles. He recognized the importance of proactively assessing and addressing security issues in his properties, which ultimately safeguarded both his interests and the safety of his tenants.

What Are The Primary Roles And Responsibilities Of A Security Litigation Consultant In A Legal Case?

Security litigation consultants play a crucial role in legal cases, assisting attorneys in navigating complex security-related issues. Their primary responsibilities encompass a range of key tasks, including:

  • Establish Good Relationships With Attorneys

Establishing and maintaining a strong working relationship with attorneys is critical. Consultants often collaborate closely with legal representatives to ensure effective communication and support throughout the case, as well as educate them when necessary. This empowers attorneys to make informed decisions and arguments in court.

  • Provide Professional Guidance

Security consultants bring their professional expertise to the table. They help attorneys understand the intricacies of security matters, offering insights, analysis, and recommendations based on their experience and knowledge.

  • Offer Expert Testimony

Security consultants may be called upon to provide expert testimony in court. This testimony can be crucial in presenting security-related evidence and supporting the legal arguments of their clients.

  • And More…

For more information on The Qualifications Of A Security Assessor In MA, an initial consultation is your next best step.

Lawrence Fennelly (CPOI, CSSM)

Call For A Free Consultation

(617) 686 9867

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